Be patient - children can be frustrating at times, but it's important to remain calm

Be organized - have a plan for each day and stick to it
Being organized is key to making the most out of each camp day. Start with a camp day scheduler that can be used to plan ahead and adjust based on weather or other conditions. Plan B activities should also be available if campers don’t have access to what was planned for the day. Finally, once camp days end, take the time to give and receive feedback from campers and staff alike – that way all involved can benefit from the experience and continue improving organization skills for upcoming camp days!
Be active - participate in activities with the kids instead of just sitting around and watching them

Be encouraging - praise the kids when they do something well, and help them overcome their fears
Positive reinforcement can go a long way in helping kids learn to recognize their successes and learn not to be afraid of success. Praise the kids for reaching milestones, completing tasks, or handling difficult situations with grace. Encourage them to appreciate the good both within themselves and those around them, so that they learn when it is appropriate to praise themselves and others. Remind them that there’s room enough for all to shine, and that being happy for the success of others doesn’t take away from theirs. With these lessons, kids learn early on how to build relationships without relying on competition and comparison; instead they learn how to celebrate progress and be encouraging of one another.
Be a good role model - set an example for the kids to follow
Being a good role model and setting an example for the kids is an incredibly important responsibility. It starts with your own mindset and attitude, which should be positive and open to learning new things. You can show your example by leading your life with kindness, accepting your mistakes, being honest and loyal to friends, and always looking out for others. When it comes time to make decisions in your life, ensure that your choices promote friendship, support, hard work and perseverance. Show kids that by putting their values into action and dedicating themselves to achieving their dreams will lead them on the path success. This will show the importance of being a good role model; one that leads others through all aspects of life from a positive point of view.

Children can be trying at times, it’s important to remain patient with the children, as well as organized and active. You should also make sure to encourage them every step of the way. Finally, remember that you are a role model for them – set a good example! By following these guidelines, you will develop into an excellent camp counselor who provides structure and support for the children while still being their friend.